We are proud to name as this week’s Rick and Cutter Weenie of the Week… 43-year-old Joshua Pleasnick, the Madison man who on Wednesday afternoon went to the state Capitol shirtless, with a leashed dog and wearing a holstered handgun and demanded to speak with the Governor. Pleasnick, who goes by the name “Taco” was arrested after he approach the security desk inside the state Capitol, just outside of Evers’ office.
He was charged with openly carrying a firearm inside the Capitol building, which is a violation of state law. Of course, he might not have been openly carrying had he been wearing a shirt. Pleasnick told police “It is likely he has access to a large amount of weapons and is comfortable using them.”
About 9pm, after being released on bail, (because he apparently has bail money but not shirt money) Pleasnick returned to the capitol, again demanded to see the governor and this time was armed with an assault-style rifle and was again taken into custody. Pleasnick indicated he would continue to return to the capitol until he got to talk to the Governor.
For making almost as much effort to speak with Governor Evers as most sensible people would make to AVOID speaking with Governor Evers.
For proving the old adage, if you don’t succeed at first, try, try and …get arrested again.
And for doing all this on a WEDNESDAY. Dude, your nickname is “Taco”. Tuesdays are your time to shine, dumb ass!
We are proud to nam name, Joshua “Taco” Pleasnick of Madison, the man who was arrested TWICE in one day for showing up the Governor’s office with increasing bigger guns as this week’s Rick and Cutter Show…WEENIE OF THE WEEK!