A few weeks back, an ill-mannered emu named Emmanuel went viral for misbehaving and attacking his owner’s camera. Since that time, Eco Sister, the Twitter feed of Emmanuel‘s owner, has grown from 3 followers to over 856,000 followers. Follow up videos of Emmanuel and his fellow inhabitants of Knuckle Bump Farm, are garnering tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of views every day.
Now, together with Limu, from the Liberty Mutual commercials, emus are clearly having a moment in pop culture. It all begs the question, has there ever been a famous emu before now.
I can only think of one. The emu companion of a man named Rod Hull, who appeared on Johnny Carson‘s Tonight Show in 1983. Not Johnny, nor his guest Richard Pryor, who was making his first TV appearance after undergoing plastic surgery to repair damage caused when he set himself on fire, were safe from this nasty emu’s vicious attacks. NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!!!