My on-air partner Rick McNeal and I were only ten minutes from concluding our Wednesday morning show when I picked up my trusty ear cups to slip them over my head for what turned out to be the very last time. Something didn’t feel right and tight and I knew instantly they had given way. The Sennies were done for. They had played their last Rick and Len Show break. After countless in-studio shows, live remotes and even WAPL International Incident trip to foreign lands, my trusty friends would no longer serve me as I was serving you, the Rockin’ Apple listeners. After more than 8000 hours on my head or at my side, they are now irreparably broken and so am I.
The loss of beloved headphones is a tragedy of major proportion in the life of a dedicated radio guy. I loved those cans. I may have to conduct a burial service for them near the station’s tower.