We are proud to name as this week’s Laura Lee & Cutter Weenie of the Week Mark Plagemann for stripping and selling copper wire in Manitowoc and doing it for really expensive narcotics and making it so obvious that even a guy looking for the ketchup would have seen it. What Mr. Plagemann did was take a significant amount of wire from the Meeme company in Mantiwoc. Wire that was used to power the company’s concrete plant. Kind of hard not to notice that, maybe do like other copper thieves and steal it from inside the walls of abandoned buildings or slummy apartment complexes where the landlords don’t care, there’s plenty in Milwaukee. Then a few days after he stripped this company of it’s wire and ability to have electricity he sold it in Milwaukee and no one blinked at this random guy having 552 pounds of copper. He admitted to doing this because he was taking narcotics that cost fifty dollars a pill. I know it’s been a while since I’ve been out on the streets, but what narcotic costs $50 a pill? It’s all just laced with fentanyl anyway, or at least that’s what the media says. It’s like dude find a cheaper drug to abuse, you’re already looking a little methy anyway.
So for being about as discrete as a dump truck through a nitroglycerin plant, for acting like the criminal version of a rapper who just got his first record contract, we could also include professional sports first-round draft pics in that comparison, and for showing less remorse than Casey Anthony popping on TikTok and calling herself a legal advocate. We are proud to name Mark Plagemann the Sly Cooper Copper clepto as this week’s Laura Lee and Cutter Weenie of the Week.