Night Ranger’s Brad Gillis promises it’ll be an Epic night this Thursday (1/25) at The Epic Event Center in Green Bay for their 40th anniversary tour. Ahead of their return to Green Bay this week the legendary guitarist, who also spent time in Ozzy’s band called into the Rick and Cutter show to catch up and tell some stories. Sure we relived some of the splendor of the 80s and how many times a Night Ranger video would play on MTV, (it’s 25 times a day at their peak by the way,) but also how “Sister Christain” has become this icon pop culture song. Of course, he and Cutter take a second to talk about their love of cars too.
You may have noticed in that conversation Brad talked about Night Ranger performing some of their classics with The Contemporary Youth Orchestra in Cleveland. That album is available wherever you get music, but check out the video below to get a taste. Powerful.