We are proud to name as this week’s Rick and Cutter Show Weenie of the Week…one of 4 males who were spotted by police in a vehicle being driving recklessly in Glendale. A chase ensued, and, in an effort to avoid stop stick deployed by police, the driver drove into oncoming traffic and caused a crash with two other vehicles.
At that point, the four subjects exited the stolen vehicle, two running east and two running west, across the Lincoln Park Golf Course. As an officer chased the two across the golf course in their police cruiser, one of the subjects ran into a wooded area and the other, our Weenie, ran into a port-a-potty to hide.
While the officer continued the pursue the subject in the wooded area, presumably on foot by now, a golfer on the course decided to step in and assist police.
Proving that not all heroes wear capes, some wear ugly plaid golf pants, the golfer, Adam Westermayer, pushed the porta potty over, with the door facing down, trapping our Weenie until police arrived to take him into custody. According to an eyewitness from Westermayer’s foursome, “Adam said It was really smelly, and he could hear the sloshing. So, I could just imagine the stench.”
Yikes! That’s right. He could hear the SLOSHING! Police were apparently appreciative of the assist but did not look forward to the smelly ride transporting him to the police station.
For demonstrating that if you’re going to get “sloshed“ at the golf course it better be with alcohol.
For choosing the most unfortunate place to hide since Anne Frank.
For proving that sand is not the worst place to get trapped on a golf course.
We are proud to name the golf course porta potty squatter who ended up covered with pieces of feces as this weeks RicK and Cutter show… WEENIE OF THE WEEK!
We are proud to name as this week’s Rick and Cutter Show Weenie of the Week…one of 4 males who were spotted by police in a vehicle being driving recklessly in Glendale. A chase ensued, an, in an effort to avoid stop stick deployed by police, the driver drove into oncoming traffic and caused a crash with two other vehicles.
At that point, the four subjects exited the stolen vehicle, two running east and two running west, across the Lincoln Park Golf Course. As an officer chased the two across the golf course in their police cruiser, one of the subjects ran into a wooded area and the other, our Weenie, ran into a port-a-potty to hide.
While the officer continued the pursue the subject in the wooded area, presumably on foot by now, a golfer on the course decided to step in and assist police.
Proving that not all heroes wear capes, some wear ugly plaid golf pants, the golfer, Adam Westermayer, pushed the porta potty over, with the door facing down, trapping our Weenie until police arrived to take him into custody. According to an eyewitness from Westermayer’s foursome, “Adam said It was really smelly, and he could hear the sloshing. So, I could just imagine the stench.”
Yikes! That’s right. He could hear the SLOSHING! Police were apparently appreciative of the assist but did not look forward to the smelly ride transporting him to the police station.
For demonstrating that if you’re going to get “sloshed“ at the golf course it better be with alcohol.
For choosing the most unfortunate place to hide since Anne Frank.
For proving that sand is not the worst place to get trapped on a golf course.
We are proud to name the golf course porta potty squatter who ended up covered with pieces of feces as this weeks RicK and Cutter show… WEENIE OF THE WEEK!