The story goes Cutter got a call from Jackyl frontman and rock n’ roll madman Jesse James Dupree on a random Thursday afternoon. Jesse proceeds to tell this story about how listening to old AC/DC records inspired him to pick up his guitar and just start writing. Then his son and rock drummer Nigel showed up out of the blue, so Jesse said “Grab your sticks we have some songs to lay down.” What came next was a text to AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson who then helped write the song “Never Gets Old.” That song is now featured on Jesse’s new solo album Breathing Fire which is out today (November 10th.)
Below check out the live stream that Jesse did of them playing the album, plus a Spotify player of the album and Jesse’s conversation from The Rick and Cutter Show from when the song was released.
Jesse will be bringing Jackyl for his annual show at Epic Event Center in Green Bay on November 25th.