We are proud to name as this week’s Rick and Cutter Show Weenies of the Week…The Wisconsin State Supreme Court who this week ruled that just the scent of something the might be marijuana is enough to justify a police search. Yes, that’s right. While every other freakin’ state surrounding us has moved to legalize weed, our Supreme Court is working to make it easier to bust people for possession.
For being so behind the times, Doc and Marty couldn’t even reach them with the Delorion.
For ruling that an officer just smelling something that MIGHT be weed is enough to validate a search which means police in our state will soon be patting down every skunk they see…and smell.
And for doing more to harsh the mellow of the entire state of Wisconsin than a Viking Super Bowl victory.
We are proud to name The Wisconsin State Supreme Court as this weeks Rick and Cutter Show WEENIES OF THE WEEK!