We are proud to name as this week’s Rick and Cutter Show Weenies of the Week…members of the City of Appleton Safety and Licensing Committee who this week took up the task of considering suspending the license of OB’s Brau Haus, a German restaurant and nightclub on College Avenue in Appleton over something that happened last December during an Ugly Christmas Sweater party at the establishment.
What exactly happened has not been made clear but it has been described as “a totally unexpected, momentary 22-second event”.
From what I can gather from scant details that have been made public, the Ugly Christmas Sweater Party was hosted by an unnamed party promoter. At some point during the party, a female, apparently in the employ of the party promoter, removed her ugly Christmas sweater for what I assume from the previously mention description, for 22 seconds.
Was their nudity? The city says yes. The bar restaurant owner says no. Either way, the owner was unaware that the nudity or near nudity was going to occur and claims he had made clear to the party promoter beforehand that they “were not that kind of place” and they are, in fact, “classy, not trashy”.
Yet, for just 22 seconds of whatever did or didn’t happen apparently without the establishment’s owner knowledge, the City of Appleton Safety and Licensing Committee has issued OB’s Brau Haus 150 demerits which is enough to warrant a 10-to-90-day license suspension which they are apparently considering.
For getting their undies in a bundle over “a totally unexpected, momentary 22-second event” which is also an apt description of how I lost my virginity”.
For having a demerit system that could lead to a 90 day suspension; a punishment uglier than any of the aforementioned Christmas sweaters.
For having a double standard and considering a suspension just because a few seconds of breasts may or may not had been shown in a German restaurant when nobody cares that the place shows off their meaty schnitzels every damn night.
We are proud to name the members of the City of Appleton Safety and Licensing Committee as this week’s Rick and Cutter Show…WEENIES OF THE WEEK.