Ky Michaelson, an inventor from Bloomington, Minnesota, is known for his unconventional creations, such as a rocket-powered toilet and a jet-powered coffee pot. Recently, he introduced his latest invention: a beer-powered motorcycle. That’s right, you read it correctly – a motorcycle that runs on beer.
Instead of a traditional gas-powered engine, the bike is equipped with a 14-gallon keg filled with beer, which is heated by a coil to 300 degrees. The heated beer is then converted into a steam that propels the bike forward.
According to UPI,
“Michaelson estimated the bike could reach speeds of up to 150 mph. He said he hopes to take the bike out to a drag strip sometime soon to test its capabilities. Michaelson’s son, Buddy, said the motorcycle could be adapted to run on almost any beverage.”
Pretty crazy what people can do when they put their mind to it.