We are proud to name as this week’s Rick and Cutter Show 27-year-old William Carson of Milwaukee who this week was sentenced to 16 years behind bars for returning fire on a group of seven children who were playing in the snow and throwing snowballs at cars. Except, instead of returning fire with more snowballs, Carson returned fire with…his gun. Two of the children received non-life threatening injuries with one getting shot in the arm and the other in the thigh. At his sentencing, Carson begged for leniency, telling the judge, “I miss my family. I miss my kids.”
For not realizing that “they pull a snowball, you pull a gun” is not, in fact, The “Wisconsin Way”.
For an angry overreaction so extreme, even Will Smith would tell him to take it down a notch.
For and for telling the judge he misses his kids which shouldn’t be surprising since he missed 5 of the seven he shot at.
We are proud to name William Carson, the Milwaukee snowball snowflake who was triggered by kids throwing snowballs that he pulled his own trigger as this weeks, Rick and Cutter show… WEENIE OF THE WEEK
[CBS News]