Sure, anyone (?) can set up and knock down 7500 dominoes. But how about doing the same with 7500 cereal boxes? That was the goal of students at Big Apple (no connection) Elementary School in Racine.
Over the last several months, students, parents, teachers and well-meaning community members have donated boxes of Captain Crunch, Lucky Charms, Count Chocula and even some cereals that don’t cause diabetes. It was all in an effort to set up and topple the boxes and, in doing so, also toppling the official Guinness World Record of 6,391 boxes.
And so, this past Friday, with 7500 boxes set up and properly spaced, the time came to let the boxes fall where they may.
Check out the video and see if you think they are going to pass the muster of the Guinness judges.
By the way, all the cereal has now been donated to area food pantries.