We are proud your name is this week’s Rick and Cutter Show Weenie of the Week… Brett Favre, who has you may know, apparently colluded with his buddy, the former Governor of Mississippi, to have him redirect $5 million dollars in welfare funds he seemingly knew were intended for the poorest people in the poorest state, to build a new volleyball facility at his daughter’s school. The texts indicate, among other things, that Brett must have known what he was doing wrong because he expresses concern about anyone finding out. When the money came through, Brett texted the woman who ran the nonprofit that handed out the welfare grants, “Santa came today!”
For inadvertently coming up with the perfect title of a Christmas themed porn film.
For reportedly stealing from the poor to give to the rich which makes him not so much a Robin Hood as a robbing hood.
And for again earning Weenie of the Week by texting, but at least this time, without texting any pics of his weak little weenie.
We are proud to name Mississippi welfare king Brett Favre as this week’s Rick and Cutter Show…WEENIE OF THE WEEK!