Two guys who ride motorcycles and happen to big fans of the movie Dumb & Dumber decided to recreate the trip from Nebraska to Aspen from the movie on a mini-bike. Of course, the ride starts where it’s warm and goes to where it’s cold as they did it around the same time of year. Zack Courts and Ari Henning of Revzilla are the two responsible and of course, there’s a video of this amazing journey. First here’s what Courts said about the journey.
“The rider triangle is more accommodating than it looks, thanks to Ari stretching the frame to match the movie bike. The seat, on the other hand, is worse than it looks and the paint-shaker vibration rattled our joints to numbness. Ari had predicted that the novelty of the bike and the journey would wear off after about 15 minutes on the road, but I’m not sure it even lasted that long. It was overcast and frigid, with no scenery in any direction. We rode along miles of barbed-wire fence, punctuated occasionally by a gate or a sign warning us not to trespass. On some motorcycles, the thought of open pasture might be appealing, but aboard our hog it was exciting enough just staying on the straight and narrow.”