Of the one or two hundred comments I read from people who attended the Paul McCartney concert at Lambeau on Saturday virtually every one raved about it. The ONLY exception I saw was from a Rick and Len Show listener who posted “Terrible. Wish I stayed home and saved my money.” Why was this guy’s reaction so different from everyone else’s’?
10. He’s under the mistaken impression that the words “Ob li de, ob la da” are Farsi for “death to America”.
9. Despite it being June, he was really counting on McCartney doing that awesome “Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time” song.
8. He couldn’t tell which one was Paul without his delightful mop top and Beatle boots.
7. Was hoping that during the song “Dance Tonight” Paul’s one-legged ex-wife would come out and hop around like a spastic pogo stick.
6. He’s both hard of hearing and anti-Semitic and hates that Paul thinks that all he has to do is say “Hey” and some Jews will take a sad song and make it better.
5. Learned that listening to Helter Skelter no longer makes him hard.
4. Whole concert was a sham, you sheeple. Don’t you know Paul’s been dead since 1966!
3. Was pissed that that racist limey bastard did 38 songs and not one g-damn hip-hop number.
2. He was disappointed because he thought Paul’s wife, Mrs. Paul, was going to be there passing out her delicious fish sticks.
1. Great performance. Amazing songs. Tremendous pyrotechnics. Mind-blowing video and a legendary singer. What’s not to hate?